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Distilling: What is STR?


Following the launch of our latest Filey Bay STR release, we’re diving into the intricacies of STR and its influence on one of our most critically acclaimed finishes.

A creation pioneered by the late Dr Jim Swan, our mentor and friend. STR refers to a specific formula for the Shaving, Toasting and Re-Charring of an ex-red wine barrique.

The casks used for Filey Bay STR Finish held red wine from Rioja in Spain, before being returned to the cooperage in Jerez to undergo the STR reconditioning process. The result is a balanced maturation that retains many of the fruit-driven flavours from the wine but also allows sweetness and spice from the oak to shine through while not overwhelming the spirit.

The process of Shaving, Toasting and Re-Charring, does exactly what it says on the tin. Once the red wine has been taken from the cask, the inside is shaved by a couple of millimetres. It’s then toasted with a small fire, followed by a more aggressive fire to ‘re-char’ the cask (burning the inside). Without the STR process of these ex red wine casks, you would receive a huge influence of deep and bold wine flavours. Shaving the oak turns down these bold flavours introducing a more balanced red wine seasoning.

For more information on our latest release click here.

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