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Growing: Wind Power


Co-founder Tom has long been an advocate of wind power – he first put in an application for a wind turbine in the early 90s but the farm’s proximity to an RAF base meant that it wasn’t feasible to have one then. 

Tom kept researching the prospect though and in the late 2000s, T1 and T2 were installed. Between them, they generate 400,000 kw electricity a year and whenever the wind is blowing, they are in motion. When they’re moving, they provide all of the power needed for the farm, brewery and farmhouses (around 360,000kw) with the rest going back into the grid. 

Ideally, we’d be able to store excess energy ourselves, to be used when the turbines are still so that, at the farm and the brewery, we can be entirely self-sufficient. To achieve this, we’re now investigating reusing car batteries for energy storage.

For the farm, wind power is the best renewable solution for us. The position on top of a hill, three miles in-land from the North Sea means that it’s rare that it’s not windy enough for them to turn (occasionally it’s even too windy). The next stage is to be able to harness it enough to use it for all of our production here at the distillery too.

Wind Turbines at the Spirit of Yorkshire Farm

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