Living: ‘Distillery Diaries’ – Spirit of Yorkshire Blue
In times like these, looking back and appreciating memories is something to pass the time. Here’s a little story of ours about our distinctive Spirit of Yorkshire blue from our Managing Director, David Thompson.
From the beginning, we knew we wanted to share the distillery with the public. Therefore, a lot of time and effort went into ensuring the distillery and the Pot Still Coffee Shop were ready for the occasion. Because copper is such a beautiful colour we really wanted to show off our Forsyth pot stills; we wanted something to ensure they stood out. You’ll find that in the colour wheel, copper and blue are opposites of each other meaning that they go very well as a pair. The issue that came from this was getting the right blue…
Before the stills arrived, we had two weeks to paint the particularly large wall in the still house. First came the base coat of white, then the blue. Two coats of blue later, we decided that the blue wasn’t quite right for what we wanted. So I dug a bit deeper into the world of blues and still wasn’t happy. Then, our business cards arrived, (and so had the stills!) which is where I found the perfect blue. With that, I took it off to be scanned. Two coats later of Spirit of Yorkshire blue (six coats in total!) we were finally happy.
You’ll now find the perfect blue across most things we do!